
Supply Chain Training - PowerBI Desktop: Skill Application Intensive Learning 供应链相关PowerBI课程:Power BI 技能应用精讲 (Chinese Language 中文授课)

  • 2024-06-21 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • The Big Meeting Room

The European Chamber Shanghai Chapter is delighted to invite you to a meeting with the Minister Counsellor for trade at the EU Delegation Ms. Marjut Hannonen, 21st June in Shanghai.

  • 2024-06-21 | 08:30 - 10:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office
Members only

Guangzhou Development District / Huangpu District Global Investment Promotion Year--China-Europe Industrial Investment Cooperation Conference 2024 will take place in Guangzhou on June 20, 2024.

  • 2024-06-20 | 08:30 - 21:00
  • Guangzhou Science City Conference Center

The European Chamber would like to invite you to join our Standards and Conformity Assessment (SCA) Forum meeting on June 20th (this Thursday) 10 am to 12 noon, in Shenzhen, in Chinese Language.

This meeting’s capacity is around 10 people. A working lunch will be arranged after the meeting, thanks to TUV SUD’s warm hospitality.

  • 2024-06-20 | 10:00 - 12:00
  • TUV南德检测深圳公司,6栋2楼天鹅堡会议室
Members only

As part of its 30/60 carbon neutrality goals, China set a goal for renewable energy to exceed fossil fuel capacity by 2025. Additionally, China’s Green Energy Certificate (GEC) scheme is set to enter a new stage, with it becoming the sole instrument to track renewable energy consumption in China. Alongside this, China is taking firm steps towards standardising business carbon practices. The country's top economic planner, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), has announced that the country will speed up the establishment of a product carbon footprint (PCF) system.

  • 2024-06-20 | 14:30 - 17:50
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office 中国欧盟商会上海办公室

数据时代人力资源的工作已经不能单靠 HR 的直觉来做决定了,日新月异的数字时代,多元化的员工结构,人力资源各模块大量的基础数据,人力资源从业者需要从传统的人力资源工作思维向数字化思维转型,数据驱动业务,提升人力资源工作运营效率。现在大部分的 HR 缺乏人力资源数据分析的能力,对数据分析的认识也停留在 EXCEL 做图表的阶段,在数据分析的技能上也仅仅是 EXCEL 的简单的报表处理和基础的图表设计,在数据分析层面仅停留在基础的数据记录和描述层面,并不能结合公司的业务和战略对数据进行分析。

In the era of data, HR work can no longer rely solely on the intuition of HR professionals. The rapidly changing digital age, coupled with a diverse employee structure and the vast amount of fundamental data in various HR modules, necessitates that HR practitioners transition from traditional HR thinking to digital thinking. This transition is driven by data, aimed at enhancing the operational efficiency of HR work.

Currently, most HR professionals lack the ability to analyze HR data and their understanding of data analysis remains at the stage of creating charts in Excel. Their data analysis skills are limited to simple report processing and basic chart design in Excel. At the data analysis level, they only perform basic data recording and description, without being able to analyze the data in conjunction with the company's business and strategic objectives.

  • 2024-06-20 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online Training

The fifth episode of the Interpreting the EU's Toolbox series will focus on EU's Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), which was given a green light by both the European Parliament and the Council of the EU in April and May 2024 respectively. On Thursday 20th June at 15:30, Zsofia Kerecsen, a representative from DG JUST at the European Commission will provide an online overview of the CSDDD, which will be followed by a presentation by Herbert Smith Freehills Partner Antony Crockett on how to approach compliance with this regulation in China.

  • 2024-06-20 | 15:30 - 17:00
  • Online
Members only

As the second stop of our 2024 Kaizen Series, the European Chamber is pleased to announce a visit to Philips Respironics Medical Products (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. on June 19th, 2024 (Wednesday), where members will have the opportunity to exchange practical experiences in continuous improvement. We sincerely invite production managers, human resources managers, general managers, and individuals interested in this topic from member companies to participate.

作为2024 Kaizen系列活动的第二站,中国欧盟商会将于2024年6月19日(周三)组织会员走进飞利浦伟康医疗产品(深圳)有限公司,相互交流持续改善的实践经验。 我们诚挚地邀请会员企业的生产管理人员、人力资源负责人、总经理,以及对这个此话题感兴趣的人员参与进来。

  • 2024-06-19 | 13:00 - 16:30
  • Philips Respironics Medical Products (SZ) Co. Ltd. 伟康医疗产品(深圳)有限公司

From 6th to 9th June, the European Parliament faced its once-every-five-year elections, after which the new leadership of the various EU institutions were selected and appointed. What do the initial results of the EU elections mean for the EU’s economic, political, climate and technological roadmap, as well as for its relationship with China?

Join us on 19th June for the fresh insights from scholars and experts to interpret the European Parliament election results, especially the changes in policies and leaders and outlook of EU-China Relations.

  • 2024-06-19 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Teams/ European Chamber Office Beijing, 4th Floor, Room C405

有了 Power 插件,EXCEL 开启自动化时代面对海量数据,如何快速提炼、合并表单?如何整理成规范智能的工作表?如何迅速建立灵活的分析环境,找到问题和关键原因,找到破解问题的方法?如何讲操作过程自动化?如何轻松完成复杂解题过程?单凭 EXCEL 常规用法显得力不从心,高版本的 EXCEL 提供 Power 智能插件,让我们走进数据自动化办公时代,工作变得轻松又高效。Excel Query 插件,提高 10 倍效率的整理法数据整理虽然不能带来多高的价值,但会用 PQ 智能工具能节省出 80%的整理时间。如果可以将繁冗的数据整理工作搭建成一套智能的数据模型,数据的增删改都可以在其中自动化运转,这不次于亲手组装一条自动化的生产线。这就是我们一直寻找的提升 10 倍效率的工作法。Excel AI 插件,提升函数的解题能力在 365 版本中新增加的 AI 函数是个亮点,自动化支持数据增删改,减少重复工作,智能识别数据范围,加速计算运行,在课上我们可以一起感受这些函数的强大之处。
Faced with massive amounts of data, how can you quickly extract and merge sheets? How can you organize them into standardized, intelligent worksheets? How can you swiftly establish a flexible analysis environment to identify issues and key causes, and find solutions? How can you automate the operational process and easily complete complex problem-solving tasks? Conventional Excel usage falls short in these areas. However, with the Power intelligent add-ins provided by the latest versions of Excel, we enter an era of automated data management, making work easier and more efficient.Although data organization itself may not add significant value, using the Power Query (PQ) intelligent tool can save up to 80% of the time spent on data organization. By creating an intelligent data model, where data additions, deletions, and modifications can be automated, it’s akin to assembling an automated production line. This is the 10x efficiency improvement method we’ve been looking for.A highlight of the 365 version is the newly added AI functions. These functions support automated data additions, deletions, and modifications, reducing repetitive tasks, intelligently recognizing data ranges, and accelerating computational processes. During the course, we will experience the powerful features of these functions together.

  • 2024-06-19 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online Training