Upcoming Events

At 15:00 on 2nd August the European Chamber Shenyang Chapter is proud to be hosting our HR Sharing Salon Session III: Activating Learning-Style Organizational Development. The seminar will help HR departments activate their organization’s learning capabilities and facilitate organizational development through Michelin’s unique learning-style development. Our speaker will provide valuable insight into Michelin’s application of ecological evolution in the workplace to develop the necessary flexible and resilient workforce in today’s whirlwind world.

  • 2024-08-02 | 15:00 - 17:30
  • 新华天玺大厦F座 3层新华创新中心 3rd Floor Xinhua Innovation Centre Block F, Xinhua Tianxi Building

[Course Background]
British crisis management expert Michael Riegert once said, "Taking each step well is the best way to resolve conflicts." Indeed, many companies have fallen due to conflicts, but more have survived and thrived by effectively navigating through conflicts. The key lies in being prepared rather than engaging in unprepared battles. Even the most complex difficulties can be managed with a structured approach. Handling conflicts becomes easier when each step in the process is managed effectively.

  • 2024-08-06 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online Training

Human resources is the top priority for corporate development. In recruitment, everyone often faces the following problems:
-How to quickly and comprehensively understand the candidates within a 20-30 minute interview time?
-Salary, company brand, etc. are not particularly attractive, how to attract suitable candidates to choose our company?
-How to identify lies in interviews?
-Recruitment ≠ interview, how to improve the whole process in "broadening recruitment channels" and "background investigation"?
-How can HR conduct interview training for department heads and become a lecturer?
In the course, participants will systematically learn the key points of knowledge, obtain a full set of tool forms, conduct practical exercises throughout the process, improve recruitment and interview skills on the spot, and effectively promote business development.


  • 2024-08-08 | 09:00 - 16:00

Improvisational Leadership is a leadership training method designed to inspire self and team strength, empowering team members to achieve goals together. Team members are randomly assigned roles in pre-set scenarios in the form of a "scripted murder mystery," where they experience and address various challenges encountered in real work settings. This enhances their individual and team collaboration skills and leadership abilities. Participants will have the opportunity to observe the behavior and reactions of workers in different roles from a first-person or second-person perspective in improvisational scenarios. Through role-swapping, employees can better understand each other's work methods and challenges, thereby increasing mutual understanding and improving overall performance. "Improvisational Leadership" is not just a training program but also an opportunity for deep experience and self-improvement. This event aims to help participants explore their potential in a safe and creative environment, enhance teamwork and leadership abilities, and lay a solid foundation for future career development.

  • 2024-08-09 | 13:30 - 17:00
  • Shenyang New World EXPO, 4th Floor, EXPO Gallery 沈阳新世界博览馆,4层,博览阁

【Course Background】
Emotional Intelligence (EQ), also known as emotional quotient, reflects an individual's capacity to understand and manage emotions, both in oneself and others. EQ is crucial for every professional in terms of self-awareness, emotional regulation, and self-motivation in the workplace. It emphasizes understanding and navigating others' emotions, as well as effectively managing workplace interpersonal relationships, demonstrating professional emotional abilities. Without communication, there is no understanding; without understanding, there is no mutual trust. Lack of trust undermines pleasant cooperation, successful management, and certainly diminishes the enhancement of execution capabilities.However, among the myriad EQ courses available online, many focus on mere rhetoric. Many individuals grasp only superficial knowledge and lack understanding of the fundamentals. They struggle to apply these techniques effectively in real-world work scenarios, often resulting in counterproductive outcomes. This course, "Enhancing Emotional Intelligence," is exceptionally suitable for those seeking genuine and effective improvement in EQ.

  • 2024-08-14 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online Training

Michael Register, a British crisis management expert, has a famous saying that taking every step well is the best way to resolve conflicts. Indeed, many companies have fallen due to conflicts, but there are more companies that have survived conflicts. The key is not to fight unprepared battles. No matter how complex the difficulties are, there is a certain process to deal with them. As long as every step in the process is well taken, it will be easy to deal with conflicts.
With the development of society, competition is becoming more and more fierce. Collaboration has become the key to success. More and more companies are beginning to pay attention to cross-departmental conflict management. Cross-departmental collaboration is the foundation for the successful development of enterprises. It can not only enhance the overall competitiveness of enterprises, but also increase the net profit of enterprises, thereby achieving greater profit growth. Cross-departmental collaboration can more effectively achieve corporate goals, improve the overall technical level of enterprises, expand the scale of enterprises, and reduce corporate costs. Cross-departmental collaboration can reduce the cost of human resources because it can improve the efficiency of human resources, increase work output, and bring greater economic benefits to enterprises.


  • 2024-08-16 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Teams Online

With the advent of the AI era, enterprises hope that employees can improve efficiency and become generalists to reduce costs. Employees hope to be liberated from some simple but tedious work, and more focus on the core business and their own development. With the advent of such a large language era, a free web page, just a simple conversation, can accomplish these two wishes. AI时代到来,企业希望员工可以提高效率,可以成为多面手,来降低成本。员工希望从一些简单但繁琐的工作中解放出来,而更多的专注核心业务和自身发展。那么大语言时代的到来,一个免费的网页,只需轻松对话,就可完成这两大心愿.

  • 2024-08-20 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Teams online

In today's highly competitive business environment, enterprises are constantly seeking ways to enhance their operational efficiency and reduce costs. This event, titled "Enhancing Enterprise Efficiency and Reducing Costs from the Perspectives of Human Resources and Taxation," aims to provide insights and strategies for companies to achieve these goals. The European Chamber Nanjing and Changzhou International Managers Forum are pleased to invite the experts from D’Andrea & Partners Legal Counsel and PHC Advisory, to share the insights to you.

  • 2024-08-22 | 18:30 - 20:30
  • Sheraton Changzhou Xinbei Hotel 常州富力喜来登酒店

【Course Background】
In today's modern work environment, effective communication plays a crucial role in various aspects such as daily interactions, document writing, annual summaries, work reports, product presentations, competitive job interviews, proposal presentations, and customer service. Some individuals can attract audiences with impeccable language skills, but real influence lies in the insights and impact generated by their expressions. Particularly in this era of abundant information and widespread individual voices, excellent communication skills are undeniably key to acquiring more resources, seizing opportunities, and enhancing personal value.One of the primary reasons for unclear communication is the lack of structured thinking. Logical thinking is not innate but can be enhanced through systematic training. This logical ability is crucial not only for oral communication but also for work skills such as decision-making, writing, problem-solving, and planning.Therefore, starting from the basics of logical thinking, this course aims to teach a series of practical and targeted communication techniques and methods. Through this learning process, participants will simultaneously enhance their logical thinking and communication abilities. They will develop into professionals with independent insights, keen insights, and influence, enabling them to garner greater support, seize more opportunities in the fiercely competitive workplace environment, and ultimately achieve more fruitful results.

  • 2024-08-27 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online Training

Overcoming unconscious bias is key to build an inclusive team, and it requires team members to have a deep self-awareness, acknowledge unconscious biases, understand the science behind biases and develop mitigation strategies to address them. The course helps people break unconscious biases, recognize the strengths of diverse individuals, value the unique contributions of colleagues and join efforts to build an inclusive diverse team.

  • 2024-08-29 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • C405, Beijing Yansha Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing | MS TEAMS