
Problems in operation and management occur at any time, and it is a challenge for all managers to analyze and solve problems with timeliness and quality.There are many schools of how to analyze and solve problems, each with its own methods and tools, and each with its own strengths. With more than 80 years of experience, McKinsey is unique among them.
This course reveals McKinsey's unique thinking logic, working principles and problem-solving processes, helps participants gain inspiration from professional consultants' methods, and provides tools and applied guidance for structured problem solving.

经营与管理中的问题随时出现,能否富有时效性和质量地分析并解决问题 ,对所有管理者都是一项时常要面对的挑战。如何分析并解决问题有很多的流派,各有方法与工具,也各有所长。麦肯锡凭借八十余年积累在其中独树一帜。

  • 2023-01-31 | 15:00 - 16:00
  • Online Webinar
Shanghai > Working Group Meeting

[Online] Pharmaceutical Working Group 2023 Kick-off meeting

The European Chamber Pharmaceutical Working Group is delighted to invite you to the 2023 Kick-off Meeting, to be held on Thursday, 19th January, 10:00 – 11:30, online via Zoom.

  • 2023-01-19 - 2023-01-19 | 10:00 - 11:30
  • Zoom
Members only

The operation and development of the enterprise is a series of problem solving process, the problem solving effect will directly determine the benefit of the enterprise; Solving problems does not rely solely on experience, not to mention on a flash of inspiration, must need a set of replicable methods in the organization to be well used and promoted.
For managers at all levels of an enterprise, there are always problems, big or small, in the process of successfully and excellently completing a job. If you do not master the problem solving and innovation methods, it is a huge obstacle to the progress of the work.


  • 2023-01-18 | 20:00 - 21:30
  • Online Webinar

OKR is a set of very good management tools by objectives, strategy implementation tools, organizational communication and coordination tools, which can effectively help organizations, teams and individuals to improve performance.
However, in the process of the implementation of OKR, many enterprises and teams will have various problems. The reason is that OKR looks simple, but there are a lot of principles and deep-seated problems behind it that cannot be passed to practitioners.
Through years of experience in R&D management and agile transformation, Agile Performance Leadership presents OKR principles and concepts to students in a simple and easy to understand way and in-depth explanation in combination with recent years of digital transformation and agile transformation experience, helping students to better practice: better understand OKR concepts.

OKR 是一套非常好的目标管理工具、战略落地工具、组织沟通协同工具,能够有效帮助组织、团队和个人提升绩效能力。
但在 OKR 落地过程中,非常多的企业和团队会出现各种问题,究其原因是因为 OKR 看起来简单,但是背后有非常多的原理和深层次问题无法传递给实践者。
《敏捷绩效领导力》是讲师通过多年的研发管理和敏捷转型经验,将 OKR 原理和概念,结合近几年的数字化转型和敏捷转型经验,以简单易懂的方式和深入的讲解呈现给学员,帮助大家更好的落地实践:更好理解 OKR 概念。

  • 2023-01-17 | 15:00 - 16:00
  • Online Webinar

This training is a 3-day live online training.
The automotive industry quality system standard IATF 16949:2016, developed by the IATF, clearly stipulates that organizations should have qualified internal auditors. This course is specifically designed for organisations implementing IATF 16949:2016 or training for certification purposes. Participants will learn the intent and requirements of IATF 16949:2016, including an introduction to the process approach and its core tools for the automotive industry. Through a precise understanding of the standard requirements, the simulation audit of the application of audit techniques and process methods in the automotive industry, the internal auditors of the organization can master the basic requirements of IATF 16949:2016 and have the ability to plan and complete the internal audit.

本课程为 3 天在线直播课程。
IATF 所制定的汽车行业质量体系标准 IATF 16949:2016 中明确规定,组织应具有有资格的内部审核员。本课程特别为组织推行 IATF 16949:2016 或认证目的培训。学员将学习到 IATF 16949:2016 的意图和要求,包括过程方法及其汽车行业核心工具介绍。通过对标准要求的精准理解,汽车行业审核技巧及过程方法应用的模拟审核,使组织的内审员可以掌握 IATF 16949:2016 基本要求并有能力策划完成内部审核。

  • 2023-01-16 - 2023-01-18 | 09:00 - 17:30
  • Online webinar

This course is a 3-day live online course. The aim of this training is to provide participants with a thorough grounding in the ISO 9001:2015 standard, the background to ISO 9001, its requirements and its role for companies. The aim of this training is to provide participants with a comprehensive grounding in the ISO 9001:2015 standard. Through the training, participants will be able to understand the ideas and methods for establishing and improving a quality management system, and be equipped to promote the system, maintain and continuously improve the management system through internal audits and other means. They will have the ability to maintain and continuously improve the management system through internal audits and other means.
本课程为 3 天在线直播课程。此培训的目的是帮助学员了解ISO9001:2015标准的全面基础知识,知晓ISO 9001的背景、条文要求及其对企业的作用。通过培训使学员了解建立和完善质量管理体系的思路和方法,具备体系推进,通过内部审核等手段维护及持续改进管理体系的能力。

  • 2023-01-16 - 2023-01-18 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online webinar

As the year is drawing to a close, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to you. With warmth and hope, we will bid farewell to the extraordinary year of 2022 where Winter Olympics, Covid-19, Russia-Ukraine War, RCEP, 20th CPC National Congress, World Cup…We appreciate efforts and development made and achieved with all the members through joint response to challenges and move towards the hopeful year of 2023. European Chamber Shenyang Chapter hereby invites you to the New Year Social Dinner to bid farewell to the old year, celebrate the harvest and welcome the New Year together!

  • 2023-01-13 | 18:00 - 22:00
  • Sunwah Centre,3rd Floor, Sunwah(Shenyang)Innovation Center 新华天玺中心三楼新华创新中心

How to grasp the key to solve the problem in the first time?
How to remove the dilemma from decision-making?
How can you make your intentions clear to others in a short time?
How to write without piling up words and clutter?
Structural thinking and expression -- Use logic to enhance persuasion provides you with practical and effective methods and tools.


  • 2023-01-13 | 09:30 - 16:30
  • Online Training

Major enterprises pay more and more attention to the selection and training of internal trainers, and promote experts to accumulate organizational experience, but traditional TTT training can no longer meet the needs of internal trainers to improve their ability. Faced with more and more new generation of students, internal trainers also need to innovate in course design, so as to stimulate the inherent learning motivation and enthusiasm of the post-90s and post-00s. Gamified learning is a major trend in course design and development. The training magazine of the largest media organization in the training industry has repeatedly publicized and promoted this concept and technology, but there are few courses on this topic in the market, and there is no established methodology, resulting in a great imbalance between supply and demand. With the gradual change of training technology in the future, more and more enterprises will choose to try gamified training products, which will promote the birth of new market opportunities in the training industry.

各大企业越来越注重内训师的选拔和培养,推动专家沉淀组织经验,但传统 TTT 培训已不能满足内训师的能力提升需求。面对越来越多的新生代学员,内训师也需要课程设计的创新,以激发 90 后和 00 后的内在学习动力和参与热情。游戏化学习是课程设计与开发的大趋势,培训行业最大的媒体机构培训杂志也多次宣传和推广这一理念和技术,但是市场上该主题的课程寥寥无几,也没有成型的方法论,造成供需之间极大的不平衡。随着未来培训技术的逐渐更迭,会有越来越多的企业选择尝试游戏化培训产品,推动培训行业诞生新的市场机会。

  • 2023-01-12 | 20:00 - 21:00
  • Online Webinar


Ancient negotiations, three inches of tongue can block a million men; Today's business negotiations, national disputes, territorial boundaries; Enterprise merger and acquisition, Party A and Party B trading; Personal grudges, division of responsibilities, negotiation is everywhere. Everything in life and work can be solved by talking. We can use negotiation strategies to discuss many issues.

  • 2023-01-11 | 20:00 - 21:00
  • Online Webinar