Working Group News

2008-07-02 > All chapters

Tianjin Chapter

Message from Secretary General

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2008-07-01 > All chapters

New General Manager of European Chamber in Chengdu

The new General Manager of EUCCC Chengdu, Ms Zhou Yue, joined the European Chamber on 1st July 2008.

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2008-06-30 > All chapters

Invitation to the WICO Forum 2008

The 3rd session of the WICO Forum will be held in Beijing from 27-28 October, 2008.

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2008-06-30 > All chapters

Forty-five ASEM members to attend 7th ASEM summit

Leaders from 45 members of the Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) group will attend the 7th ASEM summit in Beijing on Oct. 24 and 25.

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2008-06-27 > Southwest China

Quake won't affect Chengdu real estate, expert says

Chengdu's property market can expect a slight slip in the wake of the 12th May earthquake but should not be affected long term, a real-estate expert has said.

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2008-06-24 > All chapters

New Labour Contract Law and Olympic Preparations Powering Stronger Net Employment Outlook

Services, Transportation & Utilities and Finance, Insurance & Real Estate Industry Sectors Should Rebound According to Employer Forecasts

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2008-06-24 > All chapters

Open Call: Science & Technology Fellowships in China

The Science & Technology Fellowship Programme (STF-China) will give thirty researchers from EU Member States the opportunity to conduct their own research project in a Chinese host institution. This is a pilot phase of an European Commission action in China aiming at building bridges between the EU and China in the field of Science & Technology.

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2008-06-19 > All chapters

World Bank raises China 2008 growth forecast to 9.8%

China's economy is weathering the global slowdown better than expected, the World Bank said Thursday as it raised its growth forecast for the country to 9.8 percent from 9.4 percent.

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2008-06-19 > Southwest China

Introduction from Pascal Hermandesse

Dear members,

The harrowing consequences of the 12th May earthquake will have a deep and lasting effect on Sichuan and its community, and my thoughts go out to all the families affected by the tragedy.

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