Working Group News

2008-05-19 > All chapters

EU Expresses Condolence and an Update on EU Aid

On 19th May 2008, EU flag flies at half mast in Beijing as period of national mourning begins.EU leaders express sympathy and support.

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2008-05-18 > All chapters

China IPR SME Helpdesk to be launched in Brussels

Following the success of its official launch in Beijing, the China IPR SME Helpdesk will hold its official European launch event in Brussels this Friday, 23 May, using the same format as the China launch with two free half-day workshops for European SMEs and an official launch event which will be attended by European Commission officials and a multitude of EU SME and business associations.

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2008-05-16 > All chapters

China Travel Advice

For up to date information on the situation in the region

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2008-05-16 > All chapters

China earthquake: European Commission provides ?2 million in fast-track humanitarian aid

The European Commission is providing emergency relief funding of ?2 million to help victims of the huge earthquake that struck Sichuan province in China on Monday.

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2008-05-14 > All chapters

Relief Donations for Sichuan Earthquake

A major earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale struck Sichuan Province on the afternoon of 12th May 2008, and affected many areas of Sichuan and neighbouring provinces.We recommend to our members the China Red Cross as an effective channel for donations in support of victims and disaster relief.

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2008-05-13 > All chapters

EU Internal Market Chief: Counterfeiting and Piracy Need Industry-Led Solutions

The European Commission wants practical, pragmatic suggestions for fighting the “modern-day highway robbery” known as piracy and counterfeiting, Internal Market Commissioner Charlie McCreevy said at a 13 May commission-sponsored high level conference on the issues.

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2008-05-13 > All chapters

EU Expresses Condolences to China Over Earthquake

The Slovenian EU presidency expressed on Monday its deepest condolences to the people of China for the massive loss of life and devastation caused by the earthquake in southwest China's Sichuan Province.

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2008-05-13 > All chapters

China IPR SME Helpdesk officially launched in Beijing

On May 7 2008, The China IPR SME Helpdesk held its official launch in Beijing. The Secretary General of the European Chamber attended the event as well as officials from DG Enterprise and the Delegation of the European Commission to China and Mongolia.

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